Privacy Policy

ECO LODGES JAPAN will comply with the following policy with regards to the handling of personal information.

Collection of Personal Information

When collecting personal information the purpose of gathering that information will be clearly stated, and fair and legal means will be used to achieve said purpose. Generally the information will be obtained from the actual person, but it may be collected from another person under reasonable circumstances.

(E.g.) When the collecting of information is permitted by applicable laws, in an emergency situation in order to protect the life, body, or property of an individual, etc.

Use and Provision of Personal Information

The collected information will only be used for its specific purpose and will not be shared internally or externally, unless in situations allowed for by law.

Management of Personal Information

Collected personal information will be managed in a suitable fashion, and measures will be taken to keep it up-to-date, as well as to avoid loss or leakage.

Personal information that is no longer needed will be promptly removed and deleted.