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Ensuring there is a Snow Country 100 years from now. Eco Lodge Japan is released.

From the beginning, the Snow Country Tourism Region has been working under the philosophy “Ensuring there is a Snow Country 100 years from now”. Recently, global environmental changes such as climate change have become apparent, and there is a growing interest in sustainability in the tourism sector as well. In this context, the Snow Country Tourism Region has released Eco Lodge Japan, which introduces lodging facilities that contribute to the preservation of the natural environment, local society, and culture.

Hoshi onsen choujukan

This initiative embodies the philosophy of “Ensuring there is a Snow Country 100 years from now”.

The Snow Tourism Region has defined approximately 40 requirements. Based on these requirements, the Eco LThe Snow Country Tourism Region has defined approximately 40 eco-lodge requirements, with an emphasis on ‘protecting snow and water’ and ‘maintaining snow country food and local industry’. By quantifying the level of achievement of accommodation facilities for each of these requirements, the social impact can be visualised and further improvements can be made. Based on these requirements, the Eco Lodge Japan website introduces accommodation facilities that contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and to local society and culture.

What can we do to protect the environment?

Twenty-six requirements have been formulated in terms of environmental protection, quantifying the level of achievement of initiatives related to the conservation of forests and Satoyama, water resources, hot springs and hot spring culture, waste, energy, construction (environmental considerations) and activities.

What can we do to protect the environment?

Thirteen requirements have been formulated in terms of contribution to the region, quantifying the achievement of initiatives on food, construction (contribution to the region), local industry, disaster response, employment, protection and use of culture, and education.